Berlin4Ukraine: Meet & Learn - A networking event for exile researchers

PhD students and researchers from all disciplines that had to flee from war, violence and political persecution often see themselves confronted with similar problems: They want to continue their scientific work but often they are unfamiliar with the German science system and the local funding culture. Moreover, they have to rebuild their academic network, sometimes almost from scratch.
The Berlin4Ukraine-event aims to convey basic knowledge of the structures and key players of the German Science System, to explain the key support offers for refugee researchers and scholars at risk in particular, as well as the system of German science funding in general. Moreover, the event is intended to provide a networking opportunity for researchers from Ukraine and from Berlin.
Who is invited: Academics, Ph.D. students, researchers, and science managers from Ukraine, but also researchers and professionals from research institutes in BerlinA childcare option will be provided, in cooperation with the Humboldt Forum (to be confirmed)
This event is a collaboration by Berlin Research 50, the Berlin University Alliance, the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Clusters of Excellence SCRIPTS, NeuroCure, UniSysCat, Science of Intelligence and Temporal Communities, the Dahlem Humanities Center as well as the German-Ukrainian Academic Society. We thank the Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH for financial support.
Due to hygiene rules to contain the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the following proofs are required for participation: proof of a current-day negative Corona-test result.
Where does the event happen?
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW)
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
When does the event happen?
June 30th, 2022
Begin: 13:00
End: 20:00
30.05.2022 - 11:05 Uhr
10117 Berlin